95 players stepped up to the oche in all. Among the rabble were 2008 Irish Open Champion Neil Channing, Quad Aces Winner Rob 'SirNutFlopper' Weston, and previous League winners Mark 'russelhansen' Brassington, Adam 'JHobbit1' Saunders, Trevor 'cleavertrevor' Myers and Andy 'RedKiteBlackBelt' Brisland.
After a hard-fought battle that would make Braveheart look like a romantic comedy, it was Nick 'NPenfold666 Mazur who struck bullseye, the Yellow Belt toppling a tough final table that included Blue Belts Kevin 'Kevish47' Williams and Simon 'AlwaysMissing' Mairs to take home the $142.50 first prize and, perhaps most importantly, those sumptuous bragging rights.
1st NPenfold666 -- $142.50
2nd Kevish47 -- $95.00
3rd paddyjim67 -- $59.37
4th kylemilne89 -- $45.12
5th SEAMROG -- $35.62
6th DididavidBEL09 -- $28.50
7th SirNutFlopper -- $23.75
8th miggggy -- $19.00
9th AlwaysMissing -- $14.25
10th NicklasBendtner -- $11.87
Black Belt Poker's sponsored pros were a foreboding presence all night, and especially prominent in the 50 cent Donkament. Armed with a new time and buy-in, the Donkament attracted a record-high 43 hopefuls, all of whom were looking to cure those League woes with a last-ditch victory.
In the end, however, it was Blue Belt Rob '7Enygma7' Jarrett-Smith who served up a nine-dart finish when he overcame Poker Million finalist Peter 'PeterV1972' Vasiliou to take home the lion's share of the prize pool, the majority of which likely derived from the virtual pocket of yours truly
1st 7Enygma7 -- $41.20
2nd PeterV1972 -- $25.75
3rd forgot2piknik -- $16.48
4th russellhansen -- $11.33
5th justinsanem8 -- $8.24
6th jamesfub1
7th bbpjimjam
8th TheSimian
9th TeeDeeEye1
Along with the Challenge Channing cash game, Black Belt Poker also hosted its weekly Mulligan, a second-chance tournament in which players get to participate in a deep-stacked online MTT for an affordable price. I'd like to say that this means skill is given the optimum chance to prevail, but I didn't cash, so instead I shall lie and say that Chris 'CroadYuk' Roadnight 'luckboxed' his way to first and a tasty $252.00 worth of bacon, with Brown Belt Adam 'trojandonkey' Latimer also squeaking into the money.
1st CroadYuk -- $252.00
2nd miggggy -- $157.50
3rd generalshifty -- $100.80
4th cleavertrevor -- $69.30
5th trojandonkey -- $50.40
6th StilettoMafios
7th ourkidsid
8th habbad
9th ACarey
10th gnomeeee
Super Tuesday was a roaring success with a friendly, yet competitive atmosphere that hopefully reflected what Black Belt Poker is about. Black Belt Poker would like to offer our gratitude to those who participated, and we hope you'll join us next week for another night of poker festivity in which the League, Donakment, Mulligan and Challenge Channing will all be making a welcome return.
If you're a new reader drooling at the prospect of taking a bite out of the value currently on offer, then it's not too late to get involved. Simply download the cardroom software, follow the simple step-by-step process provided, and join us next Tuesday for the second leg of the League. There's always room in the Mad House.
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