Monday, 12 November 2012

Overlays in Nifty at Nine

 Following the success of the Nightly Nifty during the inaugural Ninja, we decided to make the event a weekly tournament exclusive to Black Belt Poker.

Although names such as 'Not the Nine O' Clock Nifty' did the rounds at H.Q., the new event was ultimately relabelled the Nifty at Nine and would grace BBP shores each and every Monday.

For those lacking the Columbo detective skills, the event starts at nine o'clock.

As before, the buy-in is an affordable 50 Spending Points, with tokens readily available from the Black Belt Poker Store.

One thing that hasn't change is the guaranteed prize pool of 1,250 Spending Points, with prizes adjusted for fields of over 25.

So far, the event has enjoyed a juicy overlay on every occasion with players being treated to some welcome added value.

If you want to join in the fun and jump aboard the bus to Valuetown, then all you have to do is order the token from the store and register for the event in the lobby.

The tournament can be found via: Scheduled > Black Belt Tournaments > Nifty at 9.

If you're new to Black Belt Poker, then earning 50 points is easy. Check out our unique Belt-Up Rewards System to see how you can accrue the necessary points and start working your way through the Belt rankings.

With a guaranteed 500 Belt Points for finishing first, you could reach Orange Belt in one foul swoop. The first two tournaments were won by Spencer dionysian Lawrence, who earned enough points to maintain his Orange Belt for two whole months.

The next event takes place tonight at 21:00, only on Black Belt Poker. So, if you fancy spinning up your Belt Points, then purchase your token now and we'll see you at the tables.

Click here for more information.

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