Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The Magnificent Seven

Saddle up and prepare to mount your horse as warriors return to the battlefield for Samurai, taking place tomorrow at 20:00.

Samurai is an exclusive six-max freezeout with a $250+25 buy-in and $10,000 guaranteed prize pool.

To enter, locate the event in Scheduled > Black Belt Tournaments > Samurai and click 'register'.

Tonight at 20:00 we're giving you the chance to join Brynner, Bronson, McQueen and co., as part of the Magnificent Seven.

For just $35+3.50, you could win one of seven guaranteed seats in our Mega Satellite, only available on Black Belt Poker.

And if that's not alluring enough, there will be a plethora of $5+0.50 feeders into the Mega, meaning you could become the next Samurai Champion for just five bucks.

The Mega is accessible via the cardroom lobby under Scheduled > Black Belt Tournaments > Samurai Super Satellite.

One cowboy who has already secured his spot is Paul 2LAMCHOP2 Lamonby. He won both the Mulligan and Takedown to earn himself a free seat into the main event.

Last time, Adam sirusthevirus1 Stoneham became Lord of the Samurai when he rode off into the sunset with the $4,347.50 booty.

If you would like to follow in his footsteps, then blow off the dust your stetson, shine up your spurs and join us for tonight's Mega Satellite.

To download the software, simply click here and follow the step-by-step process provided.

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