The flop of Ad-2c-6s is checked by both players. On the 6s turn, Silke makes a little tiny 150k bet. "Aergh," says Oatley, or similar. He says, "Are pocket Eights good?" before eventually making a reluctant-looking call.
On the river is the As. This is an interesting card. Silke considers for a while, and makes a 402k bet. This too is interesting, as he only has about 250k behind. Full tank for Oatley. He gets up from his seat, takes a pace back, counts his stacks, they have a hushed conversation which was too hushed for me to pick up. Meanwhile everyone in the press area is convinced that Silke has not a lot. "Will you show if I fold?" asks Oatley, getting an affirmative response. So he folds.
Silke shows the Ah-Ac. The crowd goes wild.
OK there is a mild ripple of "oooh," but even this drama isn't enough to really wake up the crowd who haven't seen an all-in situation for two levels.

Oatley in foreground, now on 1,430,000. Nutz TV's stars and producers in background, looking like souls leaving bodies.
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