Thursday, 26 March 2009

Cody Queries Kabbaj

The final hand before the break on Table Six was the kind that spreads little piles of chips all over the place, bringing players moseying out on the break to a peering halt like the area around that table was feet deep in molasses.

About 16k was the all-in bet from Jake Cody, on a board of Qc-3c-2d-4h. Previous action had swelled the pot to over 30k, and his opponent, John Kabbaj, was clearly not enjoying his deliberations over calling.

He opted for the fold, and it was like the railers had been unleashed - they headed for the bar, the smoking area, or just to stand helpfully filling the corridor areas (this place is pretty busy - if this is Thursday night, and people tell me it is, then omg it's going to be packed this weekend).


Frank Pini moves all in pre-flop from the blind, over the top of Ketul Nathwani. Descended somewhat from his former stack glory, he had to seriously contemplate the 10k in front of Pini, look at his own stack, and consider. He took so long he'd already folded in my mind and I was drifting off to another table, but the dealer then announced, "Call!" and showed pocket Eights. Pini had Q-Joff, but spiked both pairs and knocked the aggressive Nathwani back further to just 14k.

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